Settling In
Apparently my home is called a pub and there is a room that smells wonderful but I am only allowed up to the door. Mum and my new dad sometimes bring some yummy treats over to me. I don’t mind waiting at the door as I can see them both and the food is lovely.
Mum is worried that I am not eating enough – but I have so many cuddles so I am happy.
Urgh – mum just tried feeding me some raw stuff – what is she thinking? I am a ‘well done not blue steak’ sort of guy – once she cooked it a bit it was perfect and I wolfed it down.
Finally sorted the pesky little dog out – apparently it’s me he wants to play with not my mum so maybe he’s not so bad. I do have to put him in his place occasionally but I reckon I can train him – he’s called Jasper and is very bouncy.
Today Jasper was bored so I very kindly grabbed some stuff whilst mum was working and gave them to him – we had a tug of war and did some ripping up. Mum tried to be cross but she kept laughing – apparently we had just destroyed 100 beer mats. It was such fun – hope to do that again sometime.
Whenever my mum throws things Jasper runs after them and brings them back to her – he gets cuddles when he does…ummmm…think I will have a go. Yes! I bring it back and mum gets really excited and cuddles me lots – I like this and will do it again sometime.

Here to stay
I fink I will be very happy here – even that Jasper isn’t too much of a pain

So maybe this walkies stuff is okay. Still not sure of the lead though – I does get upset that I can’t do what I want.
I have a few issues with the lead mum insists on putting on me – doesn’t she know I would always keep her in sight – obviously I would have to chase off any of those pesky cats, check out any dogs in the area, chase away those cars and bring her any hedgehogs I find – other than that I would be with her so feel the harness is overkill.
On the lead I can’t always go and say hello so I do get rather frustrated and forget myself. Mum doesn’t like me lunging and barking at dogs I can’t say hello to but she understands that I can’t help myself. Still she does take me to some great places that I can claim as mine – I even enjoy playing with the little pain Jasper – he is growing on me slowly although he does forget his place at times but I soon remedy that. Fortunately he doesn’t live with us anymore so I get some peace and quiet at bedtime with just my mum and dad.
The Field
I go every day with my mum and sometimes Jasper to this really big field – mum says its eight acres, whatever that is – and I can run, play and sniff for ages. Mum has some funny things called chickens that I am not allowed to play with but to be honest I prefer chasing and catching the rat things that run ever so fast. Mum has some tailless rats that I would love to chase but I mustn’t as they are mummy’s guinea pigs that squeak so loudly – Jasper has to bark at them when they do but they just ignore us.
There are some really big things that just seem to eat grass – I don’t like them but they have always ignored me and I can’t get them to play chase – quite boring really but I love their pooh – it’s great for eating and rolling in!
I still get excited by all the green stuff that mum calls grass – I didn’t know what this was when I arrived and love rolling in it. When I get too hot there is a lovely deep bath for me although the horses seem to drink a lot of it – when I want a drink I just jump in.

The field
Such good fun despite all the other residents. I luvs it here

So happy
Life really IS good
Life IS Good
I have had so many adventures and I am loving life. Mum says I can be a dog now…and as long as I get my cuddles I am happy to do so.
I stay up late, I sleep in, I meet loads of people, I can run and run with my best friend Jasper (said he was growing on me!), I can meet other dogs….and sometimes I get to chase things I shouldn’t but a few kisses and mummy can’t be cross with me.
Apparently mum used to have other dogs who never slept on the bed, sat on the settee and never got treats from the table or the customers – guess that make me extra lucky – mum says it’s because I am extra special and it’s to make up for my first year spent on the streets of Cyprus – even dad spoils me – I am a lucky boy.
Mum says I must thank all the lovely ladies at Dali rescue for my new home – I am loving life. Mum and I thank you so much.