Lifes a beach
Moved from pub into a small place then into an even smaller place but I can get lots of walks here…I likes the sandy stuff and there are lots of people and other dogs. Mummy and daddy around all the time …. I love it! Mummy says it is a beach called Blackpool Sands and the place we are in is called a caravan with a big outdoor room where I can watch lots going on outside.
There is a big, big lake called the sea – I like the water but not so keen on the big white bits that chase me making a whooshing sound. The other water that comes onto the beach is better – I can swim in that and it tastes nice.
After a little while my friends and I can’t go onto the sandy stuff anymore….mummy says it is just for the Summer as lots of people want to sit and enjoy.

Blackpool Sands, Near Dartmouth, Devon
Love dis beach. Happy to stay here wiv mummy and daddy

Overnight security
I takes it seriously – no dogs in the Summer except me cos I is working
Summer Security Boy
I now have a very important job with a jacket, special harness and everything. Mummy says I am now a member of the overnight security team. We have to patrol the whole beach area although only daddy goes on the sandy stuff whilst I stay at the gate with mummy.
Lots of people try to be naughty…mummy says there are eight signs saying no dogs….three are pictures but still people arrive with their dogs. Some people keep trying to camp telling mummy that they have nowhere booked…daddy gets a bit upset as thinks they should book somewhere before travelling so many miles. I don’t mind so long as they want to say hello to me.
People come with some long sticks that they throw at the big water – I don’t like them as they might be used to hit me. I do like the smell of the fishy thing they catch. Daddy caught lots of fishy things that he tells me are called mackerel one night and let me have some – they were yummy…after they were cooked of course.
Now at the end of Summer I am allowed back on sandy stuff but other dogs keep ignoring me. In my security job if I barked they went away…now I bark and they ignore me….what is going on? It’s my sandy place and I only share with my friends, JaqJaq and Coby, as they live near me.
Daddy keeps saying we are moving soon but I love it here. Been saying that for ages so guess he doesn’t know when…I just love being here but if mummy goes with daddy then so will I as love my mummy so much.