Funny lady who gives my lots of cuddles and does what I want. Always smiling even when she says her hands and other parts hurt due to arthritis stuff she has. I don’t care so long as I get cuddles and lots of walks. She doesn’t drink the stuff daddy drinks -she likes lots of hot stuff called tea and also water like me although she can’t drink out of puddles like I can. We are very alike as neither like mornings preferring to have our first walk after lunch.

Me and my mum

Sleeping wiv daddy
Dad may be the big boss but he wos the one who let me get on the bed and feeds me at the table when mum isn’t looking
He gets up far too early but it’s all good as I can sneak into his bit of bed and sleep the morning away. He cooks lots of nice smelling things and sometimes I get some too. Daddy is impressed that I don’t want his dinner when he eats it. Daddy likes funny drinks – he calls them beer and wine – they make him snore at bedtime though.
That is all now of my family but since I got here I have had lots of family and made lots of friends.
The tail less rats
Mummy called them Bob, Bertie, Baldrick, Bernard and Boris
I wanted to chase them but they ignored me and just wanted mummy to feed them. Mummy would cuddle them when I wasn’t around. They were quite old when I arrived and mummy said it was very sad when they died, all I know is that they were no longer around for me to try and chase…never managed to either…so unfair.
Mummy says RIP pigs xx

The five Bs
Still fink I should have been allowed to play wiv ’em

Keep away
I stayed away from them although I liked to dig in their houses looking for rats!
Feathered Pests
Apparently there were rescued chickens….they were weird and I kept away from them and think they were like the feathered things that pecked me when I lived rough in Cyprus.
There were six browny red ones called Daddy’s (brown Sauce), Heinz (tomato Ketchup), Gravy, Mushy (peas), Salt and Pepper – mummy used to have two called fish and chips. There was a big black one called Penelope that mummy got from a friend and a black/grey beast called Bruce (after Batman) – he used to chase Jasper all the time.
The last hen to die was Mushy on Christmas day 2019 and Bruce was 7 when he died in September 2020. Mummy was sad each time but I gave her lots of kisses.
The Big Brown Things
Mummy called Micah and Polly ponies but I just liked their pooh – it tastes lovely and makes me green so I blend with the grass when I roll in it
Mummy was so upset when Micah died as only 11 but very poorly.
Polly belonged to Jasper’s mummy – she was okay as never bothered me. Polly is retired now as a companion pony.

Snax time
Their pooh was best – to eat and roll in

He never liked me
Mummys Foster Dogs
Not happy with this lot….I endured them for mummy’s benefit but relieved when they left I must say.
Mummy explained why they were with us. Two stayed with Jasper so they weren’t so bad as mummy just walked them or looked after them in the pub.
Joey – he is Jasper’s brother and his mummy couldn’t keep him anymore. He wasn’t too bad but I couldn’t cope with him and Jasper – they did my head in. He stayed three weeks…and now lives near his brother so they can see each other without me having to keep an eye on them
Frodo – he really did not like me and just kept trying to attack me. Mummy said he was so scared of other dogs that he wanted to get in by attacking first. He had an awful life in Portugal and only liked my mummy and Jasper’s mummy and daddy. I was relieved when mummy looked after him and Jasper separately and he stayed with Jasper. He was with us three months whilst his daddy was getting his flat sorted.
Lucia (Lucy)
Oh Lucy liked my mummy too much. I tried, but couldn’t share her. Lucy came from same place as me and had several homes before finding a place with mummy’s friend. Sadly her mummy got poorly and my mummy and daddy took on Lucy whilst she got better.
She was alright I suppose but mummy said she was the colour of Duracell batteries and just kept going and going and going. Her and Jasper were great pals probably because I thought they were both annoying. She knocked mummy over several times whilst we were out playing in the big field.
It seemed like she was with us forever and eventually mummy realised that we would never really like each other….wasn’t just me…she didn’t like me either. I think it was because she tried to steal my mummy.
As she couldn’t go back to her poorly mummy she went to a new daddy nearby. I don’t mind her now she doesn’t want my mummy.

Well she wos fun to play wiv and a perfect digging partner but glad she has her own family now and not mine

Respect your elders
I respected him cos he wos old (mummy wos told he wos 6 but he wos really 10) but he followed me everywhere and I mean everywhere. I did like his new family – his new lady friend wos okay.
Cody was surprise…mummy went to collect one of those pesky cat things for her mum and dad. We were waiting for the cat (she escaped) and the owner bought out a scruffy little white thing – she was going to just give him away. He seemed okay…let me sniff him and everything.
Mummy put cat in front of car, I got in back…and the scruffy thing (called Cody) got in too. Mummy said sorry to me but she couldn’t leave him. She promised it wouldn’t be for long as he could stay with Jasper until mummy got him a new home.
He stayed with us in Kent where the cat was going and then came back to Jasper’s. Phew, that was okay.
Next day we went and collected him…what was going on? Apparently he cried all night, sleeping for just two hours…oops
Mummy had lots of people who wanted him but after lots of talks he was due to go to a lady but her dog got poorly so we had him for a while longer.
He was alright I suppose…respect your elders and everything (mummy said he was 10) but he tried to steal my mummy too so was glad when he went although I was rather taken with his new lady friend -she could have come and stayed
I am at my happiest now…just mummy and daddy. Hoping mummy doesn’t save anymore but daddy reckons she won’t be able to stop herself…we’ll see.